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Plant nutrition

To keep your houseplants in good condition, it is important to provide them with plant food regularly. In nature, leaves fall to the ground and create a natural flow of nutrients, but at home in the living room this is not the case. This means that over time, you will always have to feed plants. Feeding is important for plants because it makes them stronger, ensures better growth and also stimulates the establishment of any new flowers. Last but not least, a healthy houseplant is less susceptible to diseases and pests.

Is plant food always necessary?
No, definitely not. If you have just bought your plant new, you can assume that there will still be nutrients in the soil for at least three months. Even if you have just repotted your houseplant in fresh soil, feeding is not necessary for the first 3 to 6 months. On the packaging of your potting soil/substrate, it is actually always clearly stated for what period of time nutrition is present. 

The season also plays a role, because almost all plants go dormant in autumn. Do not feed your houseplant from October to March. During this period, it can even be harmful to the plant, as it cannot process the nutrients. 

Liquid plant food
When you choose a liquid food, it is usually a concentrated product which you have to mix with water. Liquid nutrients are never given pure, but first dissolved in water. In general, you can provide almost all plants with green plant food, which actually contains everything your plant needs. If you have palms, succulents or flowering houseplants, you can also use a specific food. 

Plant food in solid form
If you only have green houseplants, then you can also opt for a solid plant food in the form of food pellets or food cones. Personally, I find this works very nicely, as these often also have an effect of about 6 months. You apply the nutrient in mid-March and it wears off after about 6 months. This corresponds exactly to your plant's growth period. Also, you don't have to mix it in water, so you never have too much or too little in your watering can. You mix the grains or cones a little into the top layer of your soil and as you water more, more nutrients dissolve. That way, your nutrition is actually always balanced and you only have to think about it once a year. 

Be careful and never give more nutrition than prescribed. If in doubt, it's better to skip or reduce the dose. An excess of nutrition can damage the plant. Always use plant food in moderation.

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