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15 Large houseplants for your living room


Are you looking for a large houseplant for your living room? Large houseplants are not only beautiful, they also give your interior an instant boost, and if you add a luxurious ornamental pot, the picture is complete. In this blog, you will find 15 large houseplants in no particular order for inspiration.

Our definition of a large houseplant
Generally, large houseplants are said to be at least one metre tall. Surprisingly many houseplants will reach that length effortlessly, which is why we have raised the bar a little higher here. All 15 houseplants shown here are -depending on the season- available in a height of at least 1.50 metres.

Some houseplants will remain compact in shape and grow mainly in height, while others also need space in width. Especially the palms in this list require some extra space. So keep this in mind when looking for a large houseplant.

Large, easy houseplants
Not everyone has green fingers or the inclination and time to pay much attention to their houseplants. In that case, a large, easy houseplant can be the answer. But what then is a large and also easy houseplant? If you know how to do it, everything is easy, but especially if you don't have a green thumb or any experience, caring for a succulent plant can even be a challenge.

In our eyes, an easy houseplant meets the following requirements:
- It forgives you if you underwater it once
- Does not drop its leaves at the slightest hint
- Not very susceptible to diseases and pests
- Needs little to no watering
- Little to no pruning

TIP: All 15 plants indicate whether they are easy to care for.

The fear of your large houseplant dying
When looking for a large houseplant as tall as 1.5 metres or more, you will see that it can also come with a hefty price tag. The prices differ considerably between the various plants, but you often start at €50 for a fairly basic plant in this class, while a more exclusive specimen can go up to €250 or more, and then there is often the decorative pot as well. Many people therefore do not dare to spend so much money on a plant, because what if it dies? That is a shame, because a large houseplant that gets enough love and is cared for properly often lasts for years. So at the bottom of this blog I will give you some tips on care, because even if you don't have a green thumb, you can feel free to bring a large houseplant into your home.

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